Austin Cooper


I grew up in Columbus, Ohio and was raised in a home filled with positivity and possibilities. However, early on in my childhood, I experienced life altering instances which contributed to my anxiety and depression. 

During high school, I thought I had encountered the elixir to all of my problems…alcohol. I would go from a shy introvert and turn into the life of the party as soon as alcohol entered my system. I went from good grades and a life of possibilities, to the black hole of drug and alcohol addiction in the blink of an eye. Later I became a college dropout living in my parent’s basement, guzzling down bottles of liquor while sneaking my father’s pain medication with no hope in sight. 

Contemplating suicide became a daily habit at one point. But instances of witnessing other people's vulnerability on social media, and being given the opportunity to receive help, is what ultimately saved my life. My family’s intervention hit a switch in me that would forever change my perspective on life. 22 days in rehab became the opportunity of a lifetime. 

It became clear to me early in recovery that I would create something on social media that could help me be transparent and honest, and by doing so, change other people’s lives. In 2016, I started @SoberEvolution on Instagram which quickly became a wide spread form of media, giving hope and encouragement to those who have struggled with substance abuse disorder.

 It has allowed me to truly help people! Sober Evolution has been featured on ABC’s 20/20 show, and has been shared by celebrities.  It has given me the chance to speak out as a motivational speaker and advocate.  It also led to meeting the "love of my life".  But most of all, it has freed me to find my true passion, helping the suffering.

I went from contemplating suicide to becoming the happiest and most grateful person I could have ever imagined being. I truly believe that we can make a huge impact on the world of addiction and mental health. 

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