"Karma (car-ma) is a word meaning the result of a person's actions as well as the actions themselves. It is a term about the cycle of cause and effect. According to the theory of Karma, what happens to a person, happens because they caused it with their actions ... so, I was bad?"
"I never understood the idea of pain as a gift, until I could no longer feel it. Numb is by far, the greatest pain of all because you don't feel ALIVE... "
"What's America's most insidious and destructive pandemic, intertwined with addiction? "
For those of us that grieve for loved ones, life is divided into before and after. I lost my parents at a young age so my before for their memory is limited. However, after losing my daughter, my brain made the choice on it's own to section off time. I was different now and there was nothing I could do about that, no matter how hard I tried ... "
"Time simply gives us longer to assimilate to our new identity and strange existence. Until I decided to walk in purpose, I was stuck in that space between. Sometimes I still find myself there ... but I don't get stuck anymore..."
Subject of FBI produced documentary, "Chasing the Dragon" and Founder for Recovered Purpose
Founder for, A Man in Recovery Foundation, Author of, From Dope to Hope, personality at A&E's, Dopeman, TedTalk speaker, motivational speaker, interventionsist
Musician, songwriter and motivational speaker
Author of, Dreamseller, motivational speaker, costar of MTV's, "Viva la Bam" and the "Jackass" movie series, advocate
Founder of, "Steered Straight", host of, "Road to Recovery", motivational speaker, advocate
Host of, "Rescue the Rescuer" podcast, motivational speaker, consultant and advocate
Founder of, "Sober-Evolution", motivational speaker and advocate
Personality at, "An Addict named Josh" and motivational speaker
Co-founder of, addictionunscripted.com; motivational speaker; author; consultant
Motivational speaker, treatment specialist and owner of several centers, interventionist
Sober coach, advocate and mom warrior. Outreach worker with ACE Peer Center, Georgetown, Delaware